Maple Sweet Potato Ice Cream

On my last post I talked about my efforts on eating less sugars and not eating past 9pm.  So far it’s going great; I’m eating pretty healthy and clean, making sure my meal timing is right and that my foods contain as little sugar as possible. However, I still get a random craving here and… Continue reading Maple Sweet Potato Ice Cream

Simple Coconut Bread

I don’t know if you know how amazing coconut is. It’s nature’s gift to us. God’s gift to us! Coconut oil is fantastic for you. Coconut milk is fantastic for you. Raw coconut meat is fantastic for you. Every aspect of the coconut is great…not to mention its glorious taste! Let’s take a closer look… Continue reading Simple Coconut Bread

Paleo Bison & Egg Muffins

Don’t eat in a rush! It may help you make that next appointment or commitment, but it can cost you in the long run. Researchers at the University of Rhode Island tested this by instructing their participants to eat a large plate of pasta quickly.  Those who did, consumed 646 calories in nine minutes! Those… Continue reading Paleo Bison & Egg Muffins