Paleo Banana Muffins

My friend Monica is getting married this month! I am thrilled! Welcome to the club, my friend! Monica and I met during our college years…in the dorms to be exact. She was my R.A. for a while, which meant I saw Monica ALL the time. Halls, cafeteria, dorm meetings/events, you name it. She was an… Continue reading Paleo Banana Muffins

How-to: Make Homemade Creamy Almond Butter

Today, we are going to make homemade almond BUTTER! Are you excited?! I am! It’s such a delicious type of nut butter. I adore it. I spread it on my Paleo waffles/pancakes/bread, fruits and even vegetables (ants on a stick…celery, almond butter, and organic raisins…heaven!). I also use it for multiple recipes, to achieve creamier… Continue reading How-to: Make Homemade Creamy Almond Butter

Coconut-Almond Chicken Patties

Coconut. What a delicious little gift from nature. I LOVE coconut. I think it’s because I grew up with fresh coconut. In Ecuador, we could find fresh coconut at any small market, grocery store and fruit stand. Its funny, sometimes coconut seemed to find us. While vacationing at the beach, you could see natives pushing… Continue reading Coconut-Almond Chicken Patties

Egg White Scramble (With a Veggie & Protein Twist)

Following a 12-week trainer program and having to stick to a strict diet can be very challenging. Eating six to seven times a day is…well…difficult. Not because one has to eat a lot of food (I love to eat…the more the better!) or because cooking may seem like a chore (I love cooking, it relaxes… Continue reading Egg White Scramble (With a Veggie & Protein Twist)

Spicy Bison Burgers

Bison. First time trying it ever. I was a bit intimidated by the name, not gonna lie. We never had bison at our dinner table in Ecuador. I probably never even knew people ate this animal now a days! J I was completely familiar with chicken, eggs, pork, beef, and fish…not bison. A couple of… Continue reading Spicy Bison Burgers

Pumpkin (Protein) Cakes

I just ordered an all Egg White Protein Powder from I’ve ordered a bunch of stuff from their site before (including various types of protein), just never an all Egg White protein powder. It felt like Christmas, yet again, when I received their lovely white box in the mail. I really haven’t heard… Continue reading Pumpkin (Protein) Cakes

Sweet Potato Waffles

Diet. One of the most important aspects of fitness. So important in fact, that even though you might run, spin, lift, and train like a maniac you wont get the results you desire unless your diet is locked in. I speak from personal experience. I used to cycle like crazy; five to six times a… Continue reading Sweet Potato Waffles

Coconut Cinnamon Sweet Potatoes

I just started the Live Fit Trainer. This is the fourth trainer I do in a row! In a row! No down time…diet, after diet…gym day after gym day. That’s tough. I must be one strong and determined woman. I mean, OF COURSE I’ve had my cheat meals, times where I’ve cried when weight lifting gets… Continue reading Coconut Cinnamon Sweet Potatoes

Almond & Coconut Waffles

I have a couple of “small pleasure” items that make my life more enjoyable. These are things that I could live without – if I had to – but I choose to include them on a daily basis because they make life way sweeter! They bring comfort, smiles, joy, and like holidays, I can look… Continue reading Almond & Coconut Waffles

Salmon Parsley Patties

Living in Boise Idaho I am limited to getting my hands on good fresh fish. Yes, we do get fresh river fish, but it sort of isn’t the same. I usually just end up guying frozen fish or canned fish (tuna and salmon). Don’t get me wrong, I like having these options too (sometimes you… Continue reading Salmon Parsley Patties