How To: Make Homemade Pecan Milk

My husband and I recently had a food sensitivities blood test (called MRT – Mediator Release Test) done through our nutritionist and her husband who is a doctor. We got our results back, and it truly has been eye opening to know what foods we are sensitive to; we now know what has been causing inflammation to our bodies… Continue reading How To: Make Homemade Pecan Milk

How To: Make Homemade Cashew Milk

It’s tough to find Cashew Milk in grocery stores. One of the few places that I have found carries it, is Whole Foods. And even then, when you look at the ingredients in the back of the carton to check what the milk is made of, you will find that some ingredients are hard to pronounce…not… Continue reading How To: Make Homemade Cashew Milk

How To: Sweet and Spicy Paleo BBQ Sauce

Last week, my husband asked me what I wanted for my birthday. I love my birthday — I am a Leo so of course I love my birthday — and typically I choose to go out and enjoy a full day of crazy-fun activities surrounded by my best friends and family. This year was different,… Continue reading How To: Sweet and Spicy Paleo BBQ Sauce

How to: Entertain at Home (5 Simple and Useful Tips)

I don’t consider myself an entertaining guru by any means, but over the last four years of my life (around the same amount of time I have been married) I have hosted my fair share of parties. I love opening my home, welcoming people in, and showing everyone a good time. I think that a party done… Continue reading How to: Entertain at Home (5 Simple and Useful Tips)

How-To: Make the Perfect Scrambled Eggs (video)

Today is the first time ever in history that I share an instructional cooking video on my blog! I have been meaning to film one of these for you for a REALLY long time, so it has definitely been long overdue. But, better late than never, right? Yeah, that’s what I think too! 😉 This short video will… Continue reading How-To: Make the Perfect Scrambled Eggs (video)

How-To: Boil the Perfect Egg

In light of the awesome holiday we have upon us – Easter – I decided to make a fun “How-To” post on one of its food staples: the hard boiled egg. People will make hard boiled eggs during this holiday mainly to decorate and color them, but a lot of people will also make these to then… Continue reading How-To: Boil the Perfect Egg

How-To: Lemon Garlic Vinaigrette

My husband and I were visiting Manhattan for a few days, as he had a two-day conference he was invited to speak at. After his conference was over, and in spite of the freezing snowy weather (mind you, this was the DAY before Spring!), we decided to venture out and explore our surroundings. We walked… Continue reading How-To: Lemon Garlic Vinaigrette

How To: Make Homemade Almond Milk

I feel like Paleo lifestylers drink a lot of almond milk; I know I do. I use it for my smoothie making, add it to my coffee, and include it on various recipes. Almond milk is just so refreshing and neutral tasting; sometimes one just needs a cold glass of this non-dairy drink to completely… Continue reading How To: Make Homemade Almond Milk

How-To: Make Cashew Butter

Hello, Amazing Paleo friends! It’s been a while. Sorry I haven’t been posting frequently, but I have been busy…busy preparing something awesome for you. Something so awesome, that you’re going to flip out when I tell you! Actually, I have more than one thing to share today, but I think my news will benefit your… Continue reading How-To: Make Cashew Butter

How-To: Make Your Own Paleo Mayo

I never really liked mayonnaise. Like, ever! I used to swamp my sandwiches and French fries with either mustard or ketchup, buy NEVER in the world would you see me using mayo. Eww. “Who likes mayo? And, why?” These two questions would always come to mind whenever I saw mayonnaise. Just the thought about how… Continue reading How-To: Make Your Own Paleo Mayo