RAW Raspberry Chia Paleo Cheesecake

To honor National Cheesecake Day I made an all Paleo cheesecake recipe. I think most of us secretly love cheesecake, but are afraid to have a piece. Whether it be for weight gain reasons, for dairy intolerance reasons, for gluten intolerance reasons, etc. — we are intimidated to enjoy a whole delicious, creamy, sweet piece all to ourselves. And that’s 100% understandable.… Continue reading RAW Raspberry Chia Paleo Cheesecake

Paleo Açaí Bowl

The famous açaí bowl; so hip and trendy right now! Amazing Paleo just had to have a recipe for it…making it 100% Paleo approved for you guys. This little bowl of happiness is sure to satisfy your cravings for a good-for-you treat that not only makes you feel fabulous, but is also crazy delicious. I… Continue reading Paleo Açaí Bowl

Green Monster Smoothie

Good day Paleo people! Today is a great day to treat our bodies right, recover from the long work week and gather some energy for the coming week.  The way I am doing that is by getting in extra hours of sleep, winding down, taking my time to do stuff and giving my body nutritious… Continue reading Green Monster Smoothie

Berry Banana Breakfast Smoothie

Happy Friday everyone! Today, I’ve decided to juice all day again. I’m just on a juice craze. Love it. Love how it makes me feel, how much energy I get, how much more focused I am and how it does my body good. I started my day with this Berry Banana Breakfast smoothie; a pretty… Continue reading Berry Banana Breakfast Smoothie

Apple Cherry Smoothie

Day three of my smoothie week has arrived! And guess what’s in store for you? A smoothie that tastes just like cherry candy. Meet the delicious Apple Cherry Smoothie! A perfect drink for whenever you’re craving sweets; it truly hits the spot. I gulped it down, barely stopping to breathe. The best part about this… Continue reading Apple Cherry Smoothie

Berry Chia Smoothie

Last Thursday I started the Dr. Oz 3-Day Detox Cleanse and I’ve decided to share my experience with you guys! Let me start by saying that I had a great support group. My in-laws and my husband followed the detox along with me, and this made the experience a lot more enjoyable! It’s great to have… Continue reading Berry Chia Smoothie