Healthy Bowl: Strawberry Vanilla

Today is day two of my Healthy Bowl recipe sharing. I have decided to post these healthy treat ideas for you, as I believe everyone deserves (and can use) a treat every single day! One that is guilt free (not having sugars and ingredients that don’t do your body good), one that is satisfying, and… Continue reading Healthy Bowl: Strawberry Vanilla

Healthy Bowl: Blueberry Banana

Everyone loves a good treat. What if I told you that you could have a super delicious treat EVERY SINGLE DAY, and that this treat wouldn’t have a negative impact on your fitness or diet goals? That instead, the opposite would happen…that your health would benefit from it. Would you be excited? That’d be super… Continue reading Healthy Bowl: Blueberry Banana

No Bake Double Layer Brownies

This little gem is the second dessert I took to our Easter family get together this year. I promised I’d post it, and so here it is…in all of its chocolate-y glory! It’s incredibly rich, decadent and satisfying. One for the books for sure! These brownies do not require baking; the ingredients don’t need cooking and… Continue reading No Bake Double Layer Brownies

Healthy Turkey “Sloppy Joes”

Yesterday was one of those days where motivation oozed out of me. I woke up and felt like an Energizer bunny — I had so much energy that I could not stop moving. It was GREAT. It helped me get breakfast done quickly, get my laundry going, my bed made, and my house cleaned for the day. Even… Continue reading Healthy Turkey “Sloppy Joes”

Vegan Lemon Poppy Seed Bread with Sugar Glaze

During this time of the year, the snow is melting (or has melted already), the days are longer, the sun is shining brighter, the weather is getting warmer…and we can actually hear birds chirping outside our windows. Ahh. I LOVE THAT. Warmer weather brings so much hope, so much excitement. Excitement for all that is to… Continue reading Vegan Lemon Poppy Seed Bread with Sugar Glaze

Baby Arugula Salad with Beets and Feta Cheese

The taste and goodness of this salad will sweep you off your feet. It is THAT good. What better than to have a meal that is healthy, good for your body, super delicious and extremely satisfying? It is a challenging combination to achieve, but doable nonetheless. And today, I am here to show you how to get there!… Continue reading Baby Arugula Salad with Beets and Feta Cheese

Garlic and Herbs Grilled Chicken

I have another grilled chicken recipe for you — can you tell we are craving protein this week in our house? 😉 Truth is, I bought a lot of wonderful organic chicken breasts at Whole Foods the other day, and I have been having way to much fun dressing them up with spices and sauces. I… Continue reading Garlic and Herbs Grilled Chicken

Farro con Limon

Two days ago I shared my delicious Dino Kale Super Salad recipe with you guys, and in that blog post, I promised to share two recipes that would accompany that salad well. Well, just like I promise, I deliver! 😉 And so here I am, ready to share one of those two fun recipes with you! The… Continue reading Farro con Limon

Dino Kale Super Salad

Lately I’ve been craving a good kale salad. Kale salads can be so satisfying, so healthful. With this deep desire to create an epic kale salad in mind, I went ingredient shopping to Whole Foods. The perfect place to start such a quest, wouldn’t you agree? I got to the produce section, and saw they offered quite an impressive… Continue reading Dino Kale Super Salad

Confetti Tofu Scramble

Have you had tofu scramble before? If you haven’t, we must rectify the situation. And I have just the recipe for you! Tofu scrambles are so versatile…they can be made in so many different ways (with various vegetables, herbs and spices!)  They can be enjoyed with a variety of side dishes (bagels, toast, tortillas, potatoes, etc.) and its something one… Continue reading Confetti Tofu Scramble